Outdoor Dangerous Goods Storage

Outdoor Dangerous Goods Storage - Containit Solutions

Outdoor Dangerous goods storage is important for protection of the environment, segregation of chemicals, safety of your staff and compliance with Australian Standards such as AS1940-2017, for the storage of flammable liquids, AS4326-2008, for the storage of oxidising agents, AS2714-2008, for the storage of organic peroxides, AS/NZS-4452-1997, for the storage of toxic substances and AS3780-2008, for the storage of corrosive substances.

The Containit range of outdoor DG storage units are designed to be relocatable when empty to help future proof your facility, include integrated spill containment sumps which act as a secondary containment device to catch spills, vented walls to allow adequate ventilation of hazardous vapours, non flammable construction to ensure integrity of your asset in the event of a fire event and signage as required under Australian standards mentioned earlier which warns both emergency personnel and ensure your staff are aware of the risks.

Each container is manufactured in accordance with the engineered design and in accordance with Australian standards relevant to the particular chemical being stored. These outdoor stores are designed for long term outdoor storage of your chemicals but it is important that you discuss your specific requirements with the Containit team including sharing the SDS sheet of the specific chemical type that you will be storing in the container. There are occasionally very specific chemicals that have special requirements which will be outlined in the SDS document and it is absolutely critical for compliance on your site that these are taken into consideration.

As shown on this page the most common storage of chemical is class 3 flammable liquids such as paint but also covers combustible liquids such as oil. The other most common chemical stored is class 8 products which include chemicals such as acid. Whilst the storage units look very similar apart from the signage on the front there are other important differences in the class 8 storage units including fibreglass flooring, polyethylene Sumpliner and in rare cases even particular coatings need to be applied. Storage units available include both for IBC’s and also for pallets of drums. Importantly class 3 and class 8 can not be stored together and must be segregated by at least 3m and more if specified in the SDS sheet of the particular chemical type you are storing. Containit also offers a range of other storage units to cater for specific chemical types which we will discuss when you call about your application.

Contact us today for expert advice on heavy duty drawers, high density cabinets, and industrial storage cabinets. Our team is ready to help you find the perfect storage solution for your business.